The average house price on LATTIMERS PADDOCK is £801,048
The most expensive house in the street is SILVER BIRCHES LATTIMERS PADDOCK with an estimated value of £926,101
The cheapest house in the street is ALDERLEY LATTIMERS PADDOCK with an estimated value of £664,377
The house which was most recently sold was CHERRYSTONES LATTIMERS PADDOCK, this sold on 17 Oct 2011 for £320,000
The postcode for LATTIMERS PADDOCK is PE9 3HL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
ALDERLEY LATTIMERS PADDOCK Detached £664,377 £247,500 9 Oct 2002
CHERRYSTONES LATTIMERS PADDOCK Detached £320,000 17 Oct 2011
SILVER BIRCHES LATTIMERS PADDOCK Detached £926,101 £345,000 7 Oct 2002
WOODVIEW LATTIMERS PADDOCK Detached £812,667 £159,000 22 Aug 1997